Friday, December 7, 2018

Just Because Mom Asked

I may have mentioned on here once or twice that I have amazing kids.   My husband and I have always worked hard but we realize that we are truly blessed.  Our kids (technically adult children) are making us seem like we knew what we were doing.  As awesome as my family is, I find myself picking up papers, dishes, or socks (yes really!).  Or doing various other odd jobs around the house or yard that I swear I asked someone to do.  Nothing earth shattering, just annoying things. And I know if I truly NEED help, my family is right there and I have 100% confidence in them.  But every now and then it's frustrating and just because Mom asked should be enough of a reason to do something.

This morning on my drive into work, I was listening to Teresa Tomeo interview Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle on my local Catholic radio station.  Donna-Marie is the author of a book on the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima.  It was an interesting conversation.  I grew up loving the Blessed Lady because my mom really had a relationship with her, she loved her as a mother and a role model.  Mom taught me very early that Mama Mary is such a wonderful model for us. 

There is a connection here. When discussing Fatima, the conversation has to include the instructions Mary gave the children.  Mary, as our heavenly mother,  has a love and concern for us that we can't begin to understand.  Mary has repeatedly asked us to pray the rosary and make sacrifices to help bring peace and the conversion of sinners.  As I got off the freeway and approached the parking lot, it literally hit me.  Like right between the eyes.  I am just like my kids!!!

I could almost hear Mary talking to her closest girlfriends.  "Mary Ellen is a great kid.  Really in all the big things she's doing well.  But honestly, you'd think she could do a couple little things just because I asked her! I mean I'm her Mom and just because Mom asked should be enough." 

I am a good person and I offer my time, talent, and treasure fairly regularly, but I am a work in progress. I love going to mass and am grateful for all the sacraments.   But so very often, I find myself busy about nothing important and end up missing an opportunity for confession or adoration or I get distracted and end up not saying the rosary that I purposely sat down to say.  So just like my kids, I mean to do all the things, little and big, that my Mom has asked me to do but somehow the days get busy and I don't make it happen.

I'm going to end here and go take advantage of this Advent season to do some of the things Mama Mary asked me to do.  After all, just because Mom asked should be reason enough.

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